Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Feminists Will Be Foaming At The Mouth!

I was going to say their heads will be exploding, but that's just not politically correct anymore. They are going to go bananas, those little monkeys, when they read this article:

It’s time feminists, who see discrimination ­everywhere, realized that.....

Women’s choices are not the same as men’s!
The main word, that feminists use endlessly against everything, is that all encompassing word, CHOICE. It's a woman's CHOICE to have an abortion. My body, my CHOICE. It gives them a false sense of empowerment. Yeah! I made the CHOICE to kill my baby! Wrong, but that's only one element to feminism.

One of the other big issues is "equal pay for equal work". Nothing wrong with that, everyone would agree.
Women today achieve great things and can envision the highest levels of accomplishment. But contrary to conventional wisdom, this results not only from actions by feminist groups but also from the profound transformation of the labour market in free societies. In effect, it is due mostly to the technological and industrial progress that brought about a shift from a society where men’s brute force (a biological fact) was needed in the workplace to a knowledge society where almost anyone can sit in front of a computer and generate a decent income.
Ouch, don't tell the feminists that men (metrosexuals excluded) are physically more powerful than women, that is not in their man-hating computer.

In the midst of this evolution and the accompanying successes, it is sad to note that what we hear most often about women is that they need help, they are fragile and poor, they can’t help themselves and are discriminated against. And this comes from feminist groups! They see discrimination everywhere: women sitting on boards, women in politics, women in engineering or mining. But now that women are free to choose their careers, it is possible that they may not be interested in those occupations for all sorts of reasons (travel, long hours, tastes, physical endurance, etc.). We must respect the free choice of women and should not push them into careers they do not want.
Free CHOICE? Are you kidding me? Feminists don't want free CHOICE, they want men out of the picture and all women to be victims, of something, anything. Personal responsibility for their own success or failure is not something feminists understand. They do not want women actually CHOOSING to stay home and raise their family, that is not a CHOICE, to them, it is a regression for their movement, not the empowerment of women. They are not going to like this article from five strong, confident women.

What we want is simple. It has been proven over and over that what it takes to improve anyone’s lot on this earth are economic and legal freedoms enabling us to fulfill ourselves to the best of our abilities — nothing more and nothing less.
To the best of our abilities...that's not something feminists understand. Read the whole article.


L said...

We will have achieved all when Status of Women of Canada is moth balled!!!

Alberta Girl said...

"What we want is simple. It has been proven over and over that what it takes to improve anyone’s lot on this earth are economic and legal freedoms enabling us to fulfill ourselves to the best of our abilities — nothing more and nothing less."

Funny though....when the "Harper Govt" increased funding to Real Women - or gave every family $100 per month these same feminists decried the fact that they were being discriminated against and that the Harper Government hated women.

I guess those "economic" freedoms don't count cause they weren't paid directly to the feminist organizations.

Anonymous said...

It took four of these clowns to write the 620 word article Huntsy links to and then quotes extensively.


Huntsy's whole blog thingy is 494 words long till you remove the extensive quotage and it turns out that she, herself has written big fat 260 words of her own.


I wonder how each of the four esteemed clowns was remunerated by the Nat Post for the 155 words they each typed into their collaborative ditty.

And then I wonder too how much Huntsy was paid to quote, quote, QUOTE them?

Or did she subtract their tacit "intellectual contribution" from her own Climbing Out of the Dark fee?

Quality control is at an all time low Huntsy. The hight of lameness, actually.

Anonymous said...

Height of lameness actually

Anonymous said...

Hunter -- Good post. Thanks.

Interesting gibberish you got from "mystereeoso." When I clicked on her or his handle I got "Profile Not Available: The profile you requested cannot be displaye." Meaning, there is no one there. As Paul Simon would say "empty as a pocket."

It's all about a paradigm shift in the 1960s that shifted again in the 1970's. Choice is choice or that was what excited those of us women who read about it in the mid to late 1960's.

Yet, sometime during the 70s the whole movement was bushwacked by the same type of patriarchy that suppressed women after WWII, only in this case it was a type of matriarchy. Do as you are told, only this time from a group of women, ie. pro-choice means reproductive rights as in abortion on demand. Choice does not mean, according to them, choice to have a child or to stay at home.

Strange that. I mean, choice is choice. Not their choice, but my choice.

I sometimes write about feminism because it was supposed to be equality of both sexes. In other words, men should be able to call themselves feminists as well.

I too agree that federal funding of women's groups should be for all women, not just the "radical feminist" neo-Marxist types.

Dollops said...

mystereeoso: Is the sound of marxists at one ear and feminazis at the other so distracting that you can't focus on the topic? No matter what is discussed or written about there is always excess verbiage - the savvy listener simply picks out the meat of the offering and puts the rest away for a possible later examination.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dollop. What follows are Huntsy's words. Go ahead and pick the meat of the offering:

"I was going to say their heads will be exploding, but that's just not politically correct anymore. They are going to go bananas, those little monkeys, when they read this article:

It’s time feminists, who see discrimination ­everywhere, realized that.....

Women’s choices are not the same as men’s! The main word, that feminists use endlessly against everything, is that all encompassing word, CHOICE. It's a woman's CHOICE to have an abortion. My body, my CHOICE. It gives them a false sense of empowerment. Yeah! I made the CHOICE to kill my baby! Wrong, but that's only one element to feminism.

One of the other big issues is "equal pay for equal work". Nothing wrong with that, everyone would agree.

Ouch, don't tell the feminists that men (metrosexuals excluded) are physically more powerful than women, that is not in their man-hating computer.

Free CHOICE? Are you kidding me? Feminists don't want free CHOICE, they want men out of the picture and all women to be victims, of something, anything. Personal responsibility for their own success or failure is not something feminists understand. They do not want women actually CHOOSING to stay home and raise their family, that is not a CHOICE, to them, it is a regression for their movement, not the empowerment of women. They are not going to like this article from five strong, confident women.

To the best of our abilities...that's not something feminists understand. Read the whole article."

Anonymous said...

Good grief. I can't fathom how the current troll on shift went to the extent to do a word count of the article Hunter cited. Then again, what else is there to do when you're sitting around, probably on welfare or at the government job trying to look busy.

Typical sissy liberal trolling a conservative website by insulting the intellengence and academic pedegree of the hostess and contributors, but we've been over this topic ad nauseum.

What a sad life to be a pathetic liberal where one's only pleasure is derived from their vigorous masturbatory keyboarding skills, whining and stamping their feet over something of such earth shattering importance as Hunter not writing as much as the article she linked to. Oh the humanity!

For God's sake, mysterymeat, switch hands and apply lubricant generously. Barring that, get a life you pathetic wimp.

Unlike the candy assed trolls, who would probably call for enforced sensitivity training, I don't think Hunter would mind where I referred to her as the "hostess", seeing we're talking feminism.

Oh, and as far as 'freedom of choice goes', freedom to choose ends at the very nanosecond the woman decides to spread her legs and the other willing participant decides to partake.

Anonymous said...

Esquimalt, I appreciate your need to imagine that I am a "sissy, candy assed liberal troll". I know it helps you to sleep better at night. I'll just mention that in missing my point, you've inadvertently proven it. If Huntsy was anywhere near as succinct as you (in the last 32 words of your comment) she would at least have voiced a coherent (if completely disagreeable) statement.

hunter said...

When Mystereo appears, my job is done, I have hit a lefty nerve.

He's my lefty thermometer, when the nerve is hit, the lefty comes to the blog, spews garbage, tries to change the debate, and shows us all how lacking in morals or principals they really are.

Funny how SQ seldom appears when I talk about feminists or Quebec. I suspect she agrees with me on lots of issues and can't bring herself to agree with me, it might show her conservative roots.

liberal supporter said...

Must be fun being a fright wing blogger. Your sycophants cheer, and don't bother to follow links. If they did, they would find your misrepresentation laughable.