Sunday, March 09, 2008

Feminists: Eyes Wide Shut!!

This is what all those radical feminist MP’s voted for when they voted against Bill C-484.

Pregnant Woman Attacked! You need to watch the video. No, there are no disturbing photos of cut up babies, but it is disturbing none the less. Feminists will not see it that way, their eyes are wide shut!

So, the way feminists see it, it’s perfectly okay for someone to kidnap a pregnant lady, knock her unconscious and try to cut the baby out. You see, feminists don’t think that’s a baby in there, so it definitely can’t be an offence. It’s all about “choice”, not life.

Just like the debate “is over” on global warming, so too is it “over” when it comes to abortion. Who says so?

Abortion Debate Cancelled by York University Student Union

Margaret Fung, President of Students for Bioethical Awareness (SBA), one of the hosting clubs, describes what happened: "I was told in a meeting by members of the York Federation of Students that debating abortion is comparable to debating whether a man should be allowed to beat his wife. They said that there is freedom of speech to a limit, and that abortion is not an issue to debate. They demanded that the event not take place and shut us down."

It's always a sign that you are losing the debate, when you have to shut it down. When you can not stand and defend your position, you do not have a valid position to defend. When your only argument is that it's a women's "choice", you have no argument. When you have to suspend the right to free speech on an issue, you have lost.

Canadian University Bans Pro-life Club after Farcical Vote
Only those opposed to the club were allowed to post flyers about meeting to decide fate of club

Bartram told that he tried at the meeting to emphasize the issue of freedom of speech, but was shouted down. Two microphones were set up and students asked questions and debated but “derogatory remarks” against the pro-life group prevailed in the discussion. “It deteriorated into a pro-lifers vs. pro-choicers meeting,” said Bartram.

In a media release, Bartram said, “While left wing groups such as this speak eloquently of freedom of expression, tolerance, and diversity, those virtues are quick to go out the window when someone who expresses pro life values comes along.”

So true! The sad thing is that this is happening in our Parliament and our universities, two places that should embrace debate, not gag it.


Raphael Alexander said...

It's obvious to me that there are some serious problems with having no laws on the books protecting a woman's "other" choice. All the objections from those opposed to this legislation amount to the preferential status quo where assault on the unborn is considered a minor offense against the mother.

hunter said...

That's the point Raphael, there is no protection of the "other" choice. This is just one bill that will provide some protection to Mom's who want their babies.

I remember finding out I was pregnant, and shortly after I was driving and a car just about rear-ended me, all I could think about was if the baby was okay. Imagine what the Mom in the video went through.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. You have children. Newsflash.That doesn't give you the right to decide my reproductive life.

I happen to have 2 little girls. I also happened to have an abortion when I was 17.

DO you think you're in any position to judge me?

I can guarantee you that I love my kids every bit as much as you. I don't need to be lectured by the self-righteous.

You may not think abortion is the right choice. That's fine. Don't have one. But DO NOT EVER think you can choose for me or any other. woman.

hunter said...

Well anon 3:52, do not expect me to absolve you of your guilt for having had an abortion, that was your "choice".

I'm not judging you, you are judging yourself. Tell me honestly, if you have 2 little girls, you do now, understand that you were killing a baby when you had that abortion don't you? I mean you didn't give birth to two blobs of matter now did you?

You fail to realize that YOU are the ones who will not discuss even having a cut-off date like 20 weeks (that's 5 months, you would be showing) before abortions should not be allowed. Can you not say there is a point that the baby has some rights, not just you?

Oh, and you don't just "happen" to have an abortion, like you "happen" to run into an old friend, it is a conscious "choice".

Finally, I am very sorry you had to go though the trauma of an abortion, it's a decision no women should ever have to make, ever. Don't judge yourself too harshly.

Anonymous said...

Hunter, I have no regrets. My pregancy was as unwanted as the sexual act that preceeded it.

Save your pity. I'm doing just fine. I had my kids with the man I love.

You can save your replies also. I won't be back.

hunter said...

That's your "choice" anon! I see you would rather shut down debate then stay and discuss. I was hoping we could meet halfway. Allow abortions but only up to 20 weeks, what's so wrong with that? Allow a law that charges anyone with murder if they criminally stab a baby to death while in the womb.

Do you seriously think that a women should be able to abort her baby at 40 weeks? (That's 9 months and it's legal in Canada) Is there no middle point? It appears not.

I don't doubt you love your 2 girls, too bad you couldn't love the one you aborted. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Excellent rresponse to a bitter woman Hunter. I always say that woman do have choice when it comes to their reproductive status which is; do not to have sex with a man to which they are not married.
I think you had eceelent points to both Rapheal and Anon 3:52. I see she is still bitter about her choice as she refused to return to debate.

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me how easy murder can be justified. "I don't want to be pregnant". "I'm inconvenienced by being pregnant". Yeah? Well how bout this? KEEP YOUR LEGS SHUT. What... you're saying by 17 you didn't know about birth control or contraception? Then you're too STUPID to be having sex.

Thinking you're all growed up and mature enough to be having sex? Then you should be old and mature enough to accept the consequences of your actions.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that this no-Law Policy in canada has caused some problems and two of the major issues is the gender-Abortions in Toronto that is legal , and the Down-Syndrome Abortions .
Medical Science is slowly decoding the DNA and just wait until every Gene is identified for a high risk to be adicted to drugs or alchohol , or a poor energy Gene for blood disorders or muscle defects.
And the real big one will be the Abortion Homo-cides when tests can show a 90%+ chance for a sexual preference that is the same as the gender of the baby , so lets keep this in mind when that day comes and we still don't have any Abortion laws to stop any form of Gene-icides, homocides , and gendercides which is going on today in canada.

The Liberal leftist femiNazis will end up doing what Hitler could never do and that's to stop the vermin and scum from ever being born , Hitler was forced to kill the mentally ill and weak after they left the womb and could show him they weren't Human enough to have Human Rights .

Why even someone like me will one day be stopped from being born because i don't fit into the Liberal Canada where the Government dictates what thoughts you can have and the HRC's can punish you for telling the truth
when it offends Muslims or Imams .
When the breasts were deemed glands just like male ones because some girl wanted attention from a self-hatred issue she went topless in public and took the case to the SCOC , but now we see female Police Officers being punched in the Gland by criminals and the Judges can't do squat other than treating it like a male being punched in the chest.

Oh the irony for the femiNazis who had no foresight to think about the possibilities that happen when laws are changed and Judges re-define a word or body part.

hunter said...

What bothers me most is that this isn't the 60's where there was no birth control, and young girls were shunned for getting pregnant.

Why is abortion even an issue anymore? With the morning after pill, no-one but the lazy and stupid have abortions anymore.

Stop the taxpayer funding, watch how the number of abortions decrease. Let Planned Parenthood use there own funds to help those who really think they need an abortion.