Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mike Duffy BIG OOPS!

It appears that CTV and Mike Duffy have elected a new Liberal leader, and forgot to tell Dion!

Look carefully at the second interview being done.

Mike Duffy Live: One-on-one with Liberal leader Bob Rae

Then go to the segment, and on the bottom screen, what do you see? Yup,

Mike Duffy Live: One on One with Liberal LEADER Bob Rae!!!!! OUCH!

Someone's head is going to roll at CTV! So Rae is not just a new MP, now he's the Liberal leader!

Big Oops!


Anonymous said...

I've been saying for years that the duffster is a closet conservative. Way to go duff, keep building up Rae so that he can destroy what is left of the LPC. Two thumbs up!! (real conservative)

Spitfire said...

near the end Rae talks about this coalition to "replace" Stephen Harper. The NDP-roots are-a-showin!

Do you think it's easy to live in a democracy?

Platty said...

A coalition? Is Rae talking about ganging up on Stephen Harper?

What a bully!!

Nice catch there Hunter.

I think we will see in the coming weeks and months that Rae might as well be the LPC leader....


Anonymous said...

Yes I noticed that, Rae talking about a "progressive coalition". That sent alarm bells ringing. It gave me an interesting thought: What if Rae is sort of a "mole" for the NDP and his job is to destroy the liberal party, become leader of what remains, and then merge with the NDP? He is certainly leading that party to become more and more orange, but so is Dion. Then again, he could be a bona fide liberal trying to lure MPs from the NDP and destroy them. Still, you would think he would have some affection for his former party. MPs don't switch to the liberals for principle, they switch for opportunity.

As for the Duffster, I don’t know what his political feelings are, and I’ve heard him make jokes about all parties. That is what makes Duffy such an excellent, balanced host. In the partisan liberal cesspool that is the MSM, he’s a “diamond in the rough” so to speak. I hold him in very high regard.

hunter said...

Thanks Platty, I couldn't believe my eyes!

I like Duffy, if no one can figure out who he votes for, he is fair and balanced, like all news reporters should be.

Good point Spitfire, except a coalition means Rae, Layton and May all have to agree, not going to happen.

Anon 7:12, I think the duffster is balanced, he doesn't pander to any one party, and that's how reporters used to do it.

hunter said...

May, not bad assumptions, the left is split like the right had been, so if any of them want to get back into power, they might have to unite. Dion loves May, and Rae loves the NDP, so it appears logical, until you consider that none of the leaders are willing to give up any power to the others.

That is what makes Harper a true leader, he was able to unite the right, with the help of Peter McKay, both showed leadership.

Anonymous said...

oooo...a coalition of Lefties....scary

Meanwhile Mr. Harper leads his party right down the middle...occupying a lot of space

Anonymous said...

Rae can talk all he wants, but I don't see any kind of coalition between Liberals and NDP. The Dippers, as crazy as I think they are, do appear to have some principles (not that I agree with any of them). The Liberals, by contrast, stand for absolutely nothing--just whatever popular idea has the best chance of getting them elected. I just don't see any true-NDP types, actually partnering with the morally bankrupt Liberals.

Louise said...

So who is the Liberal leader, then? /sarcasm

Anonymous said...

You expect Jack Lenin to go quietly?
I can't see that camera loving clown to give up one iota of power.

hunter said...

CTV has still not changed the footer if you click on the link.

Boy, when Kate at SDA links to your site, traffic increases dramatically! Thanks Kate!