Saturday, March 15, 2008

Protest The Seal Hunt....Oops

This is a great indication of how dedicated protesters are to their "cause".

And what began as an anti-seal hunt protest in Calgary quickly transformed into a rally against Canada's troops being in Afghanistan.

Fifteen minutes before the anti-war rally was scheduled to begin, a line of protesters held placards calling for an end to the seal hunt. Moments later, they swapped their signs and spoke out against the war.

Wow, what dedication to your cause! What idiots! A line, notice no numbers mentioned, is that like the line of protesters in Halifax? All six of them?

Halifax protesters rally against seal hunt

Seal hunt opponents in Nova Scotia say the federal Fisheries Department is lying when it says the annual practice is humane and sustainable.

Shouting “DFO, stop the lies,” a small group of protesters rallied at a busy street corner in downtown Halifax today to mark the International Day of Action Against Seal Hunting.

A small group of protesters? Let me see, if I look closely, I see six protesters. Wow that's news worthy.

So, we have 6 seal protesters in Halifax, and 6 seal protesters turned anti-Afghanistan protesters in Calgary, that's huge! We should listen to them, they obviously know what we should think, and with those numbers, soon to be inflated in tomorrows papers, who can argue?

The funniest thing about this is that both articles are from the Globe and Mail, seems one hand doesn't know what the other is doing!


Anonymous said...

in the gand m it said it was thousands or protesters were protesting the exstension to the war in afghanistan. that is what i read but still that isn't much. I could be wrong what province that is in to.

hunter said...

Yes, I read that too, but in Halifax they were protesting the seal hunt, and in Calgary they changed from protesting the seal hunt to protesting the "war".

That's the point, the protesters just want something to protest against, they don't care what.

Anonymous said...

these nation-wide protests have been organized for weeks.

those protesting the war in the calgary march were JOINED by those who were initially protesting the seal hunt.

obviously the number of anti-war protesters outnumbered the others.

hunter said...

From the Sun papers, 60 protesters in Calgary and a similar number in Edmonton.

Wow, bet they had to shut down streets and stop traffic for all those protesters, and this has been planned for weeks?

Chungo said...

You are really out to lunch about the Calgary Seal Hunt protest. The supporters did not swap signs and start protesting the war. We are a totally seperate group and it happened that the war protest was just after the seal hunt rally. Our supporters took up another street corner as soon as the war protest began. Please don't go spreading such unfounded information in the future.

Reid said...

wow... "thousands" of anti-war protesters country wide. And a whole 1000 protesters in the most populous city of Toronto.

I guess everyone was busy watching the Leafs lose or something considering there were 10's of millions of Canadians NOT protesting against the war.