Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ignore The Trolls!

I started my blog years ago because I was so ticked off with the Liberals and where our country was headed. I was appalled by the outright stealing of taxpayers money by Liberals in what we now call Adscam. If Adscam did anything, it motivated the normally silent Conservatives, like me.

I slugged away for a long time, one blog among thousands of others, getting 20 to 30 readers a day, thanks mainly to being on the Free Dominion roll, and the Blogging Tories roll. I spent a few years blogging to mainly myself, and a few dedicated readers, then I made it to what I call the "front page" of the Blogging Tories and my readership increased a hundred fold. That is the power of a dedicated Conservative blogging site, it attracts like people interested in hearing what other Conservatives have to say, but, there is a down side.

Lately my blog actually made it onto the National Post website, and I thank them for that, it was a great honour. The problem is that as soon as a Conservative blogger gets noticed, the lefty trolls come out in full force, leaving trash comments. There are days I don't even want to check my own blog because I see that lefties have linked to a post of mine, and I know the trolls are sure to follow.

I have tried ignoring them, arguing with them, and deleting comments because of swearing. They keep coming back and they never have relevant comments on my actual post, they attack me and my fellow Conservative posters personally. This is what the lefties do best, denigrate those that have opinions that are different from theirs. They try to weaken us by bombarding us with their lefty garbage, and sometimes they succeed, some good Conservatives bloggers have given up posting because it is too much trouble to fight them. Closing down comments is one means to shut them up, but it kills discussion and that is what makes a blog interesting, so it's not an option. Stop blogging? Why let the arrogant, "progressives" win? This is how they play the game, and they are used to winning it, they "protest" or sue anyone who disagrees with them.

What they fail to understand is that blogging has given Conservatives a power they have never had before, their voices are being heard over the MSM lefty tilted news. We do not have to listen to the TV news anymore, we can read the newspaper, then go to blogs to get a new view on the articles, a Conservative view.

So, after much thought, and many slurs and ugly comments from the lefties, I have decided to tell them.....I'm not going anywhere!

Next topics are Sarah Palin, abortion, ugly feminists, and has Bob Rae had a face lift. Other interesting topics will be: how to raise a family while making a huge salary, pickles, perogies and raspberry wine. Followed by, how to compost, capture rain water, and use solar power to grow your tomatoes. Oh, and once in awhile, I will post about how much I respect the job PM Harper is doing for all Canadians, and how lame the Liberals are on real issues that concern real Canadians.

Given that I can not comment on my own blog during work hours, I am counting on my readers to help me support the Conservative view, without getting into personal flame wars. Ignore the trolls.

Facts over emotion.


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Paladiea said...

"The Cesspoolian Palidiea is a lying little turd."

See mahmood demonstrates my point beautifully. If he merely said I was a liar, I would ask him how so, but since he added in all those other colourful words, well now it's just uncivil.

liberal supporter said...

It will interesting to see if Hunter's usual "Friday Funnies" post can top this mess for sheer lunacy.


Patrick Ross said...

"A tape of someone doing nothing but calling names would only be evidence that they are incivil. Nothing more, nothing less. Capability cannot be questioned with such a tape unless you can prove that the person only calls names 24/7 in any context."

Capability of civility cannot be reasonable assumed within the context of demonstrated and constant civility.

"Strike one. You can't debate and make the rules up as you go. The reason we have rules is to ensure an argument in good faith, and to ensure that everyone supports the conclusions of said argument. If you don't like the way the rules are, I suggest you don't debate."

I'm sorry if you assumed there were formal rules for this debate. I don't see any power that has given you the authority to set such rules on your own.

If you don't like the lack of rules in this debate, I suggest you go someplace where there are such rules.

Furthermore, I never claimed that I was willing to extend my civility to you indefinitely. My civility with you was contingent upon your honesty in the course of this discussion. On that particular test, you failed.

"Calling someone a liar is neither irrational or uncivil in and of itself."

When the sole purpose of joining the discussion is to call someone a liar regardless of whether or not any such lies have actually been uttered, it most certainly is.

If you can at least demonstrate how someone has been dishonest, that's another thing.

Your particular dishonesty stemmed from your claim that CC was willing to be civil in this discussion. Yet all he's done, to date, is call someone else a liar and never bother to explain why or how, or even identify any specific lies.

mahmood said...

C'mon Patrick, these debate rules are firmly adhered to at the Cesspool...everybody knows that...sheeesh.

liberal supporter said...

There is only one rule in this debate, it is stated under "Leave your comment".

Nobody except YOU has broken it on this entire thread. YOU have broken it three times.

Why is that? Can't you read? Or is being an ignoramus, holding court on someone else's blog more important than following ONE rule?

CC is able to do it. Why would you claim he is uncivil when he easily follows a simple rule here, which you cannot?

Why would you claim to be civil where he is not, when you can't even follow ONE stinking rule? What a silly bonehead you are!

Your denial that there are any rules is typical of you. Always moving the goalposts. Always obfuscating.

And always a lot of fun watching you make a complete doofus of yourself.


mahmood said...

Correction Patrick, not a liar but a "lying little turd".

Paladiea said...

"Capability of civility cannot be reasonable assumed within the context of demonstrated and constant civility."

I assume you mean incivility. Regardless you haven't even proved that CC is even constantly uncivil.

"I'm sorry if you assumed there were formal rules for this debate. I don't see any power that has given you the authority to set such rules on your own.

If you don't like the lack of rules in this debate, I suggest you go someplace where there are such rules."

The rules of debate are universally agreed on by everyone arguing in good faith on the internet and in real life. By rejecting these rules you reject the notion of arguing in good faith and therefore all arguments are considered void. No one wants to argue with a troll.

"Furthermore, I never claimed that I was willing to extend my civility to you indefinitely. My civility with you was contingent upon your honesty in the course of this discussion. On that particular test, you failed."

I've been nothing but forthright. In fact I dare to you come up with an instance where I spoke an untruth or distorted a fact.

"Your particular dishonesty stemmed from your claim that CC was willing to be civil in this discussion. Yet all he's done, to date, is call someone else a liar and never bother to explain why or how, or even identify any specific lies."

That's an untruth because CC in that very post laid out his reasons for calling Hunter a liar.

Anyhow this argument is over. By rejecting the rules of a debate in good faith you render this argument void.

Good day sir.

KEvron said...

they're all outta ponies, ls. will you take a jackass instead?


mahmood said...

Sheesh, Cherniak looks positively "Perry Mason" beside this Paladiea chick.

Patrick Ross said...

"I assume you mean incivility. Regardless you haven't even proved that CC is even constantly uncivil."

You don't think so? OK. Here's proof. That wasn't hard at all.

"The rules of debate are universally agreed on by everyone arguing in good faith on the internet and in real life. By rejecting these rules you reject the notion of arguing in good faith and therefore all arguments are considered void. No one wants to argue with a troll."

Wrong. Arguing in good faith is not the same as submitting to rules arbitrarily imposed by an individual such as yourself.

Sorry if you're disappointed.

"That's an untruth because CC in that very post laid out his reasons for calling Hunter a liar.

Anyhow this argument is over. By rejecting the rules of a debate in good faith you render this argument void.

Ah, but you, yourself, insisted that anything from another threat isn't valid in this thread.

Changing your mind, I see. And fairly selectively, too.

KEvron said...

"Capability of civility cannot be reasonable assumed within the context of demonstrated and constant civility."

nor can an inability. see how that works? cuts both ways.


Paladiea said...

I said good day.

mahmood said...

Judge yer Honor...the Cesspool defence rests...or was it sleeping?

KEvron said...

this has been a lot of fun! we should make this a regular thing....


Patrick Ross said...

"I said good day."

You said good day because you lost and you know it.

Next time you want to defend someone's assumed capability for civility, make sure it's someone who's ever demonstrated any.

mahmood said...

KEV, only if you ask Hunter nicely.

Paladiea said...

If you say so Patrick.

liberal supporter said...

No PR, YOU lost. YOU are the one who cannot follow ONE rule. That makes you LESS civil than anyone else here.

Good Day, Loser!


Patrick Ross said...

"If you say so Patrick."

And I do say so.

Paladiea said...

That's nice.

mahmood said...

Don't go away angry Paladiea...but be a dear and go away.

Paladiea said...

I'm not angry, mahmood. But I'll be sticking around for awhile. Just to spite you. :) Now be a dear and fetch me a cookie.

KEvron said...

"only if you ask Hunter nicely."

lol! as if!


Patrick Ross said...

"That's nice."

I know

mahmood said...

You know babe, for a Cesspoolian I kinda dig ya...a cookie?...not a where did I put those Arrowroots?, one or two?

Paladiea said...

I prefer chocolate chip :(

Patrick Ross said...

Make sure you get her a glass of Kool Aid to wash it down with.

hunter said...

Funny how you blog about ignoring the trolls, and they all show up!

I did learn one thing, apparently CC is a male, so now I don't have to call him an it anymore.

CC, you really have to get over me. I'm such a liar, you couldn't possibly be interested in me anymore. I'm not sure what your compulsion is about Conservative women, maybe it's because we wouldn't give you the time of day. You are obviously yearning for something you will never have, poor thing. I know our time was brief, but seriously I'm sure some feminist will snap you up in a minute.

Now stay tuned for my Friday funnies, it will help all of you to lighten up a little! Plus don't miss Laureen Harper's speech from last night.

Paladiea said...

Make sure you get her a glass of Kool Aid to wash it down with.

Too funny!

Paladiea said...

"CC, you really have to get over me. I'm such a liar, you couldn't possibly be interested in me anymore. I'm not sure what your compulsion is about Conservative women, maybe it's because we wouldn't give you the time of day. You are obviously yearning for something you will never have, poor thing. I know our time was brief, but seriously I'm sure some feminist will snap you up in a minute."

That's rather uncivil :(

hunter said...

Oh dear, I'm being uncivil on my own blog, after being called a liar and other unsavoury things, that I had to delete from my blog due to juvenile swearing.

I better correct my misbegotten ways.....maybe tomorrow.

Carry on lefties (which is shorter than saying, Liberals, NDP, Bloq, and Greens), I'm finding this whole thread quite amusing.

It appears trolls don't like being ignored.

KEvron said...

"I better correct my misbegotten ways.....maybe tomorrow."

me, too.


CC said...

Number of comments by Patrick Ross: 34.

Number of comments by Patrick Ross that actually address my original (and thoroughly substantiated) accusation that Hunter is a blatant liar: 0.

This, kids, is why we don't engage Patsy in intellectual discourse -- we know how it's going to end. (Well, that and the fact that he doesn't know what a triangle is.)

And thank you all for playing. Some day, a doctoral student looking for data for a thesis on collective ideological delusion and weaslitude is going to stumble on this thread and think, "Jackpot!"


P.S. Hunter is still a liar. Discuss.

mahmood said...

The Cesspool Boy is befuddled, bamboozled and thoroughly stumped ..."hmm, I've just called Sooey Palooey a dumb "C"...a retard...told her to "Effin" "F" off...a lying little turd...and now Sooey Palooey doesn't want to address my "NOW" sane, logical, rational and thoroughly substantiated accusation...hmmm, what could it be?...what could it be?....hmmm, brushed my teeth - check....hmmm, combed hair - check...pedicure - check...underarm deo. - check...clean shirt - my inkblot head - check...freshy clean panties - check...hmmm, what it is it?...hmmm...JACKPOT!...Why!, it's Patrick Ross!...Sooey Palooey will not play nice with me because of Patrick Ross.

and that folks is why the Cesspoolian's should take their little buddy to the rubber room.

p.s. Cesspool Boy, you're need to discuss.

Ti-Guy said...

I'm trying to figure out which sock-puppet "mahmood" is, but I'll tell you, a lot of wingnuts sound the same.

You really should get Haloscan or move to WordPress, Hunter. The rest of us "Cesspoolians" (Jesus, I hate it when they try to be clever) are at least who we say we are and don't hide behind sock-puppets like your dishonest wingnut buddies.

KEvron said...

"Jesus, I hate it when they try to be clever"

now, had he said "cesspudlians", he'd have earned the point.


hi-guy said...

Yes indeed, ti-guy is quite right, the sockpuppet can be destructive, profane, insane and really should be eliminated from the blogworld...I propose and ti-guy, I would appreciate your support here, that buckets of ink be provided(how? TBA at a later date)to mask the identities(meatheads) of the destructive, profane/insane who wish to remain anonymous.

cesspudLOLians...meh, I don't know, is that a point?...KEV?

KEvron said...

"I don't know, is that a point?"

only in the subjunctive mood.


Patrick Ross said...

"Number of comments by Patrick Ross that actually address my original (and thoroughly substantiated) accusation that Hunter is a blatant liar: 0.

This, kids, is why we don't engage Patsy in intellectual discourse -- we know how it's going to end. (Well, that and the fact that he doesn't know what a triangle is.)

And thank you all for playing. Some day, a doctoral student looking for data for a thesis on collective ideological delusion and weaslitude is going to stumble on this thread and think, "Jackpot!"

You forgot one thing:

You never made an assertion worthy of being addressed.

You made your typical, run-of-the-mill vapid accusation of dishonesty.

And as usual, you expect everyone to simply take it at your word's value. And the funny thing is: you're right. Your constant intellectual dishonesty and cowardice has made your word worth nothing, and that's what we take your accusations for.

And, yes: there is a reason why you don't engage me:

Because you're terrified of me.

KEvron said...

"you expect everyone to simply take it at your word's value."

does he? let's review:

"If any of your commenters are capable of addressing this precise issue in a sane, logical and rational way, I would be utterly gobsmacked"

so, he's not asking anyone to take him at his word; rather, he's asking readers (like you, twatsie!) to challenge him.

guess that makes you a liar, huh? but that's something we've always known about you....



mahmood said...

Boy! that Cesspool boy is a lying huge turd...he's crapped out about a dozen post's since he stated that he's taking a shower and "movin' on" but has he?...oh nooo!...he just can't let go, maybe next shower Cessy, try it without recycled effluent from Cesspool and MOVE ON!...sheeesh, what a hopeless dope.

p.s. the Cesspool boy is a LOLiar.

Patrick Ross said...

Looks like Mahmood actually knows what a lie is.

Unlike some people.

liberal supporter said...

Looks like Mahmood actually knows what a lie is.

Could you be more specific? Which mahmood? There are SIX different blogger ID's in this thread all calling themselves "mahmood", all created this month. At least with an even number we don't have the age old laundry problem with socks.


KEvron said...

"Unlike some people."

oh! the irony!


mahmood said...

Oy vey, this is beyond painful...didn't realize Lib Supp. is the Jimmy Rockford(well, more Angel Martin)of the Cesspool...count one more Jimbo, when you finish your CSI investigation call me...and leave a message at the tone.

takes deep breath...LOL's must passe' at the pool...fine, hahaha

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