Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Two Groups, Which Do You Support?

Another compare and contrast for my readers. First up, compare our favorite eco-nuts.

Activists stage oilsands demonstrations in advance of Obama visit

Okay, to the editor....Obama is NOT visiting the oilsands. Maybe he should, because China is looking good right now! At least they didn't call them the tarsands.

Two dozen Greenpeace members from Canada, the United States and France chained themselves to giant earth-moving equipment, shutting down Shell’s massive Albian Sands oilsands mine in northwestern Alberta for several hours.

24 people from Canada, the US and France???? 24??? Wow that makes the 1.2 million people protesting in Washington look like small potatoes.

Now, let's contrast that to this:

Victims of crime group may be forced to shut down

The Ottawa-based Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, which has been a national voice for victims of violence, fraud and abuse since 1992, has been told the cash-strapped Canadian Police Association is pulling its funding within weeks.

Executive director Heidi Illingworth sent a letter to supporters Tuesday warning of the risk of closure and calling on the federal government to pick up the unexpected shortfall.

Calling him a “personal supporter” of the CRCVC, Illingworth also wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper requesting funding that amounts to roughly the same cost as the incarceration of a single federal prisoner for one year.

So who funds the eco-nuts? How can they fly to Alberta in the "dozens" and yet a group helping the Victims of Crime need only $50,000 to $100,000 to keep helping victims and they might not be able to get it? Alberta should take some of the 2 Billion it is shoveling into the useless carbon capture scheme and help victims of crime instead.

It's time to help REAL charities, who are helping REAL people in need. Not the eco-nuts. Can you hear this Albertans? Canadians? Is our government going to listen? If they can bail out GM, they can temporarily help CRCVC, but only until Canadians take up their cause.

I admit that I am not familiar with CRCVC, but it sure seems like a great cause.
It has to be better than the eco-nuts who chain themselves to anything to get attention, but do nothing to actually help anyone.

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