Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Liberals, Taunted and Ridiculed! Poor Babies!

Small wonder that the Liberal voting immigrants, would be protesting ANY change to the immigration laws. It's like last election the Liberals got all the; jail votes, special interest votes, daycare loving votes, First Nations votes (TV included), and all the 80 year old granny votes. (Did I leave any special interest group out?)

OTTAWA — The federal Liberals were taunted and ridiculed by opponents as they avoided triggering an election over immigration reforms they have spent weeks denouncing in the most scathing terms.

Their opponents in government and on the other opposition benches poured scorn on the party as it allowed the Tory government to survive yet another a confidence vote in the House of Commons.

Written by the "Canadian Press", more likely written by a grade ten student trying to impress his teacher.

But when they raised the issue again as the centrepiece of their question period attacks Wednesday, they drew mockery from Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

"I look forward to seeing whether the Leader of the Opposition believes his own rhetoric on this," the prime minister replied when Stéphane Dion condemned the measures.

"These measures are important to immigrants. They are important to our economy. That is why they are confidence measures."
It was not Dion, as the poorly written article suggests, that was PM Harper.

Guess now that the Liberals voted with the government, they don't believe their own rhetoric. Lot's of fear mongering, no substance. Here's more:

The changes would place highly coveted immigrants — like doctors or other skilled labourers — on the fast track through the system. But while their papers would get processed quicker, other immigrants would be forced to wait behind them in the queue.

Oh dear, how scary, the Conservatives are going to put "highly coveted" immigrants in front of an 80 year old grandma, who will be a strain on our health care. Tisk, tisk, bad Conservatives, wanting productive immigrants.

In addition, the government would be allowed to set annual limits on the number of applications Canada processes.

Wow, that's really scary, I'm hiding under my bed now! Hello "Canadian Press" via Globe and Mail, every government has done this before, but because it's the "scary" Conservatives in power, no more strippers allowed, those Conservatives are immigrant hating, "evil Christians" you know! What next shutting down swingers clubs??

"We'll replace this bill, this bad bill, by a good policy," Mr. Dion said.

So, they will vote for the bill, but it's a bad bill, and when they get back into power (as the naturally ruling party), after the Conservatives have solved the immigration problem, they will replace it with...with...a really bad bill, so they can have massive backlogs again.

Go for that pity vote!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, so the Liberals, if only we elect them, will reverse what the Tories have done. Gee, where have I heard that before? Um, no thanks Dion.

The Liberals say one thing in Opposition and do another while the Government. And now they continue doing that. They haven't learned a thing.

And rather than defeat now what the Liberals call bad legislation BEFORE its inflicted upon the people, they wait for the convenient winning conditions to defeat this government and prevent it. That is proof right there that as ever, the Liberals care more about power than their own core values and principles. THey cannot even bre an effective Official Opposition and they want voters to trust them with being the government?

Like I said, no thanks Dion.

Anonymous said...

I am loving this with Dion and more importantly the Liberals getting smacked down constantly. Time for Harper to pass more conservative legislation.

Nathalie Caron said...

This is just common sense to me (the conservative bill), the liberals are being idiots, once again. While Dion is busy saying this is a bad bill, he does not tell the public what his "better bill" would include.

That is because he doesn't have a plan. He just talks to talk, wasting the public and the government's time.

If he's not going to oppose, he needs to shut up and put up with it. We've been needing these measures for a long time. Skilled immigration is what we should have been focusing on for the past 10 years.

Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine wanted to emigrate from Botswana in southern Africa to Canada. She was born and raised in Zimbabwe but travels with a Portugese passport because Zimbabwe refused her a passport because she is white.
She started and operated a successful business in Botswana that employed maybe fifty people. Her Portugese husband owned the local Toyota franchise. Together they owned four investment properties as well as a very nice home of there own.
When her husband died suddenly she was refused a renewed work permit by the Botswana authorities and forced to leave the country. She and her two children couldn't return to Zimbabwe, nor did she want to, so she looked to Canada.
You'd think that someone in her situation might have had it easy. She was truly without a country, was a successful business woman, had been a model citizen and was rich.
And so it was that she was added to the backlog of people waiting to enter the country.
She was surprised though to encounter a friend of her maid at a local Botswana supermarket who said that she was moving to Canada to start a new life. My friend asked how she was able to qualify and was told that she was simply going to show up and not leave.
My friend was over here a few years ago and stayed with us for three weeks while she tried to enter Canada from this side of the ocean but it was to no avail. Not wanting to be an illegal in this country she eventually left to move to Scotland where her son was a student at medical school.
We lose a proven business woman with millions to back her up AND a potential doctor but we gain a maid.

hunter said...

Yes, the system is broken, and anything that is done to fix it will be an improvement.

It really bothers me that when the Conservatives try fixing this "sacred" cow, "hidden" agenda comes up. Chow even mentioned that she feared her family was at risk! Get real.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals are all hat, no cattle.