Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Red Green Show!

Well, it appears that PM Harper was right about not having May in the debate, because it would mean 2 Liberal leaders.

So what were Green party members doing at Dion's Liberal rally? Talk about bullheaded, he also says he's going ahead with the Green Shaft NO matter what the economic conditions. Now that's scary!

And if Lizzie May is running third in her riding behind the NDP, shouldn't she quit and tell her supporters to vote NDP to stop Harper? HA! Hypocrites, both Dion and May. Democracy is about voting for who you think will do the best job, not to stop someone.


Ardvark said...

As families all across Canada sit down for their holiday meals and the topic inevitably turns to politics; who do you think is going to get the most endorsements?

IMHO It sure hell isn't going to be Dion. Once the normally politically passive Canadian gets a chance to think about it this weekend, there is no other choice but Harper.

Anonymous said...

This election is beyond comprehension. Have all the leaders been going to stupid school? Until today, I thought that Mr. Harper had made the most damaging comments to his party's chances during this campaign. Well, the Nutty Professor trumped them by a mile.
Dion was making traction with the "all the goodies are free" crowd who don't give a damn how badly the economy gets screwed so long as they get theirs from the public trough. The Kyoto Klutz just blew that today when he told the whole country that they "might" get their goodies, but only after he got his taxes. What a relief this campaign has been...I no longer believe I am he most stupid person in the country. Thank you to all the politicians, you have proven me wrong.

wilson said...

Did you hear that Quebec....
not getting that big arts and culture cheque you were counting on. At least PMSH was up front about what inefficiency cuts he is taking.

Heh Quebec, Dion's plan includes $12 Billion in cuts to inefficient programs, no specifics.
At least PMSH was up front about what inefficiency cuts he is taking.

McCallum said every department will be reviewed, and the cuts will mean 1.5% per department.
1.5% from the Arts and Cultures is $45 million.

Jeff said...

Democracy is about voting for who you think will do the best job, not to stop someone.

one thing is certain. canadians may not elect stephane dion on tuesday but the overwhelming majority of us will NOT be voting for harper. sadly, in spite of this fact, he will become PM.

what were you saying about democracy again?

Southern Quebec said...

Ardvark: This first person at Thanksgiving who says that they would vote Harper, gets the the head.

wilson said...

Well Jeff, take a look at the 4 Western provinces(10) and the North(2).
Grag a map jeff.
Today, out of 308, Liberals hold 12 seats in the combined 4 provinces and 3 territories, and 5 of those seats are too close to call.

You can even ad in the 12 seats the Dippers hold if you want to scream that a coalition government will better represent Canada.

25 Lib/Dipper seats out of 308, representing 4 provinces and 3 territories.

Tell me that it is 'democracy' when the combined left(Lib/Dipper/Bloc) in Canada holds only 8% of the seats in 55% of the country.

Tell me it is democracy, that a LibDipperBloc government should dictate policy with only 8% representation in the regions of the country that are fueling the economy in these tough times.

Tell me it is democracy that a seperatist party's only reason for being, in this election, is to deny a federalist government a mojority.

maryT said...

And an overwhelming majority of canadians will not be voting for liberals.