Monday, January 11, 2010

Prorogue This!

It started out with a suggestion from one of Sandy's posters that we needed a truth ad about prorogation, because the MSM was talking about it being from 4 months to 2 months in length. Then the call went out to citizen journalists to round up some links to video, newspaper articles, and even anyone who knew how to photo shop pictures.

I want to thank everyone who got in the spirit and sent all kinds of links/pictures and suggestions. I especially want to thank Sandy for helping to edit the video, she is very level headed where I tend to go off on partisan tangents. I also want to thank Don, who spent his weekend photo shopping some great pictures...some of which will be used for another project on Olympic MP's! HA!

I had tried to download HI HO HI HO, to add music to the video, but my audio program was acting up. I tried lots of "free" music sites and just couldn't find anything relevant to the video, then it struck me, PM Harper has a song! The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. The PM is singing about "needing someone to love", and the opposition are yapping about Parliament being shut down for 17 days due to proroguing, while they are on vacation. Too subtle?

So, here it is, remember, every minute you watch, takes hours to put together, and it is thanks to all of my and Sandy's posters that I had the material to work with.

I have so much material that a longer version might be possible, but for now, I hope the message is clear.....17 days is NOT 4 months or even 2 months!


maryT said...

Excellent job, we have to get this out far and wide.

Alberta Girl said...

Excellent job Hunter...thanks for all your hard work. I got banned from one of the anti sites today - they said I was "misinformed" - even though I was taking things of government sites.

On a side note, I was trying to send you an email yesterday but for the life of me could not find a contact - it would just send me back to your blog.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Wow!! Well done Hunter, Sandy and contributors!!!

fernstalbert said...

Spot on and very amusing. The PM singing his "song", Perfect! Cheers.

Bec said...


Just an observation, the 3:00 minutes doesn't count down once the TRUTH video starts and wonder if it was just me?

You are saints Hunter and Sandy. Good for you!

maryT said...

AG, congratulations on being banned.

Fay said...

Awesome!!! Good job. I watched a clip on Canada AM, with conservative friends like Flanagan... who needs enemies.

Rose said...

Wonderful, I'll do my best to link to this page as often as I can.

Big Red Magnum said...

It's actually less than 17 days as Parliament does not sit Fridays, it's a travel day.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Hunter! I watched the video last night at Sandy's. With a complacent MSM, it's up to the grass roots to speak the truth.

Speaking of 'grass roots', I find it pants pissingly hilarious that the left claims their cute little Facebook page as a 'massive grassroots undertaking'. Good grief, there are probably bigger Sponge Bob and Avatar fan pages than their limp noodle 'movement'.

Cue the sob sisters (L.S. and S.Q.) in 3...2...1....

frmgrl said...

Thank you Hunter! Exactly what the doctor ordered.

maryT said...

Will the public get the message that we need a majority conservative govt to stop all the gotcha crap from the media and liberals. PMSH has had a four year internship as PM, and has passed. Iffy would never get a majority so electing libs would just give him a small (possible) minority. With jack/gilles not following him to work on Jan 25, will they force him to support the PM re the Throne Speech and Budget. Or are those stmts from the ndp to try and throw us off the coalition in waiting.

West Coast Teddi said...

Conservative "grass roots" strikes again. We shall expect more 'cause the LeftLibs have lots to offer.

Well done!! hahaha

CanadianSense said...

Great job!

I will be posting on blogs to remind the calendar challenged liberals how to add.

If nothing else it will remind the leftnuts how much better our guy is compared to theirs.

MariaS said...

Fantastic job Hunter. Way to go!!

maryT said...

All he# is breaking out at Aardvark, Dr Roy, BC Blue and NBTorygal fb, re John McCallum accusing our government and our troops of war crimes on the CBC this afternoon in an interview with Suhanna.

liberal supporter said...

All he# is breaking out at Aardvark, Dr Roy, BC Blue and NBTorygal fb, re John McCallum accusing our government and our troops of war crimes on the CBC this afternoon in an interview with Suhanna.
The good old "tell part of the story without context" routine, eh?

Of course if you read the article, it is pretty clear it is the highest level of the government that is complicit in war crimes.

Still, it makes your video about calendars pretty silly. It's not about the length of the prorogue. "It's the coverup, stupid".