Tuesday, April 08, 2008

None, Nada, Nil, Zip, Zero.

Next week my oldest son is off to Quebec on a school trip, paid for by Mom and Dad. This trip was not paid for by the school, nor the provincial government, nor the federal government, not one red cent of support. None, Nada, Nil, Zip, Zero.

I encouraged my son to stay in French (it's an option after grade 8) so that he would have more choices for jobs, and learn another language. Now we have to pay $2,000 to send him to Quebec for a week. You would think that some level of government would help with some of the costs. If the governments are not helping students and their parents, where is all that money going? Who is getting all the funds that we, as taxpayers, are forced to pay for bi-lingualism?

As a matter of fact, the parents are also paying for the substitute teacher that is needed because not all of the students taking French could afford to go on the trip. It's not only my school either, I talked to another Mom who's kid is doing the same trip, and they are in the same boat. No funding.

Where is the money for bi-lingualism going? Who is benefiting, not kids out here in Alberta, I might as well have enrolled my kid in Chinese, or here in Edmonton, Ukrainian, they would have been better off, and I would be $2,000 richer.

Is there any politician out there who would like to answer my questions? Is there some program out there our schools don't know about? I've tried looking on the federal government site, but found nothing, so if there is a program it's hidden from the very people who could benefit from it.


Spitfire said...

I'm unsure what type of school trip is that much money. In grade 8 I took a class trip to Quebec for a week at $500 (1998).

At 17 I think, your son can do the Explore Second Language Spring-Summer Program and earn a full university credit in 5 weeks! The bursary ($1700) pays for transportation one way to Quebec and the credit, plus room and board included with a host family (I did an exchange to Trois-Pistoles in 2005 and got a french credit from UWO) (see OSAP website for info)

There is also the Summer Work Student Exchange Program (used to be a govt program, ran for 11 years, until Harper axed it in 2007). I believe the YMCA offers it in Ontario (summer-work.com). You must be 16 or 17 (not older or younger). (I was a coordinator for the program in 2006)

I am certain there are other programs, those are the ones within which I was involved/partcipated. If you have any questions about those specific programs let me know.

Spitfire said...

Your profile says you're in Alberta, so I am unsure of programs in that province sorry!

hunter said...

Thanks for the input Spitfire.

Most of the cost is for the flight from Alberta to Quebec and back, but still some money should be available.

Guess they think us rich Albertans HA! can afford it without any help.

Red Tory said...

Typical "Conservative"... Always looking for a way to sponge off the government and get a free ride.

Anonymous said...

see, this post is what makes you a disinguenious hack or a f**kin idiot

Anonymous said...

What a hypocrite!

All those poor people leaching off the government tit can go straight to hell, but god forbid your son doesn't get his trip to Quebec fully paid for.

mikmik said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
hunter said...

You lefties just don't get it, NO SWEARING, if you want to swear on your own blog, go right ahead.

So, you lefties, who love bi-lingualism, so much, WHERE is the money going? If it's not going to school kids to encourage them to stay in French, WHO's getting the billions of taxpayers money?

That's my point, tell me who's getting that money, maybe we should use it for handicapped people instead, but you would HOWL if we even suggested that now wouldn't you?

Red Tory said...

First of all, who says that “lefties” love bilingualism? It’s just an ordinary fact of life in this country, just as it is in many others around the world. Your attitude is one of resentment.

You ask “WHERE is the money going?”… Well, what money are you referring to, exactly? And then you claim that it’s “billions of taxpayers [sic] money”… Care to back up what precisely you’re talking about and where you’re getting this figure from? As for diverting this unsubstantiated “billions of taxpayers money” to the handicapped” what on earth does that have to do with anything? Good grief, you’re full of complete nonsense.

Look, having four kids, I’ve paid for plenty of discretionary school trips over the years that weren’t funded by the government and have never asked or expected a hand-out from the public for something that I thought was worthwhile. You seem to be applying a rather curious double-standard here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah bi-ligualism gets billions of dollars annually. You're a moron.

Anonymous said...

How very strange. When I was in school and we went on trips like this the kids would do fundraising to pay their own way. Bake Sales, Car Washes, Raffle Tickets, Cookies or Choclates for sale... The out of pocket expense for my parents was nowhere near $2000.

Oh yeah, I got a paper route when I was 9 and I saved up from it to buy a plane fare to go visit my Aunt and Uncle in Quebec. My parents didn't pay a cent of my airfare and were very proud of me for my hard work and diligent saving. I was very proud to have paid my own way, at the tender age of 11.

Maybe you should encourage your kids to get a paper route or some sort of Job. I started working part time after school and on weekends when I was 15. It paid for nice things like a leather jacket and driving school.

KEvron said...

"I encouraged my son to stay in French"

that's where all those "bilingual billions" are going. duh.


mikmik said...

Tell 'em why my post was deleted, hey? [Hint - I called the ingrates(gov't) that didn't fund my ski trip, gasp, 'one who applies negative pressure to a rooster']

What high school did you go to? Did you go skiing in grade 12 Phys Ed as well? Bonnie Doon Lancers - yay! LOL, when I was there, it was the only time BD ever made it to city final in soccer, so unless you played with Ross Ungaro[sic] at O'Leary, you weren't there

You(Hunter)said, "So, you lefties, who love bi-lingualism, so much, WHERE is the money going? If it's not going to school kids to encourage them to stay in French, WHO's getting the billions of taxpayers money?

That's my point, tell me who's getting that money, maybe we should use it for handicapped people instead, but you would HOWL if we even suggested that now wouldn't you?

No. 1 - you must be speaking to me, I am a lefty that loves bilingualism, however, having gone to the provincials in 100m sprint, long jump, and also badminton singles (two of my many letters), I smell a false choices fallacy and I am far to sophisticated to bite. I lost a Texas Instruments calculator in High School, and if you didn't steal it from me, then where is it???

Your second paragraph(that I quoted) is far to bizarre to even reply to, like me saying, "You conservatives would howl if I suggested taxes be lowered", you see where I iz at?

My school, Bonnie Doon CHS, we were city champs in football, volleyball, basketball (Lazert gave us fits in the latter two, Harry Ainley the first), I got 5 letters, I did drugs, and a counsellor took me in the office and asked me why I didn't apply myself seeing as my apptitude scores were at the top. I said "what do you mean (I was clueless about this list, or whatever - all I know is that it was cutting into my class cutting time) (then realization started to sink in and the hairs on my neck started to stand up - I think it was the LSD, but anyhooo...), What do you mean 'highest apptitude'" and he said "your name is right there at the top, the whole school(there were 12 or 1300 students, as I barely recall)."

So, I got kicked out of physics 30 for only showing up for a quarter of the classes, and get this - they thought I was copying until I pulled off the highest marks in the class twice in a row and then I skipped the whole two weeks on relativity and when I waltzed in to write the exam(it was/is my hobby and I already knew all that shit and only wanted to shoot hoops and also MAS), I got kicked out and failed for not having enough hours even though I had the highest mark going into the last month. It was a message to me: quit being such a slack arsed (oops, almost cussed) idiot and get your priorities straight, mikmik!).
So, you would think that such a priveledged, unaware yet brilliant and voted the best ass in school and don't forget athletic accomplishments and source of the best 'experience enhancers', yet innocent snot would get some recognition and have at least his lift tickets, if not his room at the Marmot Lodge, financed by a surtax on tutors for the bottom 99.7% of imbeciles that make up the bulk of our sorry-arsed(yeah, almost) high school and drop out no goodnicks.

But no, I had to pay my own way!!!! It was the first time ever on skis and on day two I was tackling black diamonds and I blew my knee racing (I was ahead, gosh darn it!) when a tip caught a mogul - packed powder, like conditions were once in a lifetime perfect (and I had to pay for this out of my own parent's pockets?).

Hey, I can feel the empathy and heart rending grief at my devasting financial improprieties all the way across town here, Hunter, and believe me, right back at ya for your son (sob, sniff sniff)

I bet your son is even more exceptional than I was! Let me know, maybe we can class action the PC's, both prov and fed, the ingrates! How can they be so heartless as to not care about the needs of the folk with the fewest needs!

hunter said...

Hey, you lefties are starting to get the hang of conservatism! No free rides, individual responsibility, and no goodies.

You are mad at me, because you think I want some goodies!

Great, now apply that to bi-lingualism, and if you don't think this country spends billions on all those programs, printing everything in both English and French, hiring only bi-lingual people in certain government jobs, etc... where does that money come from? Taxpayers.

Yes, I fund raised for my other son's winter camp, and we were able to send everyone in the class, even those who would not have been able to afford it. I have no problem with fund raising, it's a great way for the kids and parents to get involved.

I also appreciate that you are following the ONE rule I have on this blog, no swearing. My kids read it and I prefer they not learn bad habits too early in life.

MW are you a closet conservative? My oldest had his first job at 12, and will work after school when he turns 15.

Mikmik, thanks for your life story, I feel so much closer to you now! Thanks for not swearing.

Final question, don't any of you work?

KEvron said...

"No free rides, individual responsibility, and no goodies."

and yet, you've encouraged your son to continue with the french classes.

Final question, don't any of you work?"

no, i peddle mimeograghed copies of my blog. i also beg my readers to support me.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour MMe Hunter, C'est de la oust coast teddi ici.

Well you sure woke up the Trudeau-ites!. My 3 kids all attended French immersion in Alberta and we even had to pay extra bus fees to get them there. They graduated, went to University, got French credits and never to speak it again. Your son will have a blast in Quebec, mine did (even got to a Canadians playoff game!!)

All those billions are going to pay for 65 year old swivel servants to take French classes so they can qualify for their bilingual job bonus then retire. Tru-ducks biggest failure was in not funneling funds to schools so that children could start to learn both official languages. He wanted the government services bilingual first and all those cereal boxes eh.

Au reservoir mon L’Alberta comrade (oops Russian)

hunter said...

Thank you West Coast Teddi, I needed a good laugh!

I agree, taking French in Alberta is useless, unless my kid wants to become a civil servant, which I would discourage.

The trip to Quebec should be awesome. First time flying without us, a whole week spent in a unique province, time for him to grow, experience Canada from his own perspective, and then this summer we go to PEI, my favorite province.