As an average working non-political Canadian, what did my husband see of the election campaign last week? The six o'clock news tidbits, and what was printed in the papers. He did not even go to my blog, he thinks blogs are just silly, and are not worth reading. I expect he is very typical of the average Canadian voter. The media knows this, and they are using this to their advantage.
Have you noticed how some media sites are very selective on which articles allow comments? Have you noticed how articles getting unfavourable comments for the Conservatives stay open for 600 comments, but one's with favourable comments are shut down very quickly? How articles you want to comment on, like the Green Shift, almost never allow comments? Wonder why that would be? Some articles even show that comments have been posted, but when you click to read them, they have all mysteriously disappeared.
The average Canadian doesn't pay attention to all this, only us political junkies. The bias is sometimes very subtle, but it is there. Remember that most people only scan the headlines and maybe read the first line or two of an article. Here's some examples.

Headline is positive, but what's with the "days of negative media coverage"? You see, they are admitting that they have been providing negative coverage, and they can't understand why the polls are still going in the Conservative's favour. Is the negative media coverage planned? You think?

White on black writing beside a picture of PM Harper and Laureen. We are doomed!!

Are positive polls a problem? With that head scratching picture, the PM sure seems thinks so, or that's the perception the media wants to portray.

Targeting Canadians?? Scary!!

Mocks Harper?? Wow, tough guy Dion. Dion is going to make a deal with BC, and he is mocking PM Harper? I'm impressed. Not!
All those examples were from only one news source, imagine how many others I could have found. The average Canadian doesn't care about puffins unless the media makes it an issue. Seems to me that the media is MAKING the news lately, not just reporting it.
Media bias?? Oh, you can bet on it. As long as we let them get away with it, ad revenues will keep them going.
Where is the article about Liberal MP Thibault calling the Prime Minister a pig? Buried deep in the coverage of the election. Taber: Spinning out of Control. It's not a headline, it's on Taber's blog!!! So puffins make headlines, but a Liberal MP calling the PM a pig, not so much.
Really, the bias of the media is totally disgusting. I'm not saying they shouldn't have covered the puffin, but how about equal headlines for the pig??
I don't go to the other parties web sites or blogs unless inadvertently directed there so I don't know what their reaction is to MSM and the press biases. Are they the same? Do they too get as upset as "we" do? Giggles Taber "claims" that she is criticized by all sides so "is doing her job!!"
I do go to National Newswatch and more often than not get angry at the headline side of the page (where the columnists are) but since the start of the election it is my impression that there has been some "balance" and that I can read some of the articles without fear of feeling that "I'm a neocon"!!
Been watching CTV Newsnet, (sick day). Bob Fife was covering PMSH in Nfld, and was genuinely upset at what he had first hand accounts of.
Apparently Danny Millions operatives have been threatening persons/family members who have prov govt contracts,
they will ruin their busineses if they help the Fed Cons in any way, volunteering/donations.
Fife called for other journalists to get out there to Nfld and investigate the claims of the numerous person he talked to,
because what he heard is like 3rd world politics and it is very serious.
Wow Wilson if that is true, it's gone beyond a petty campaign slogan, it's a dictatorship.
I too saw Bob Fifth tonight and was surprised at his report. He stated that he had spoken to one woman who said she planned to run for the Conservatives, but received word from Danny Williams office, if she did, her Mother who has a contract with the Dept of Health would loose her contract. He said he had spoken to several people with similar stories. He also stated, this should be investigated by reporters, and if this is true, Danny Williams has to be exposed as this are things that happen in Third World Countries! Mr. Harper also said today, no way did he look Danny Williams in the eye and say he didn't need Newfoundland. I honestly think from these actions, Danny is going mad!. He not only is showing that he is a spoiled brat, but a untruthful one at that. Now let's see if the liberal media will follow up on this. They wanted to push the pooping bird all week, even thought in my Province, Mr. Thibeau who has been noted for saying unparliamentary things, stated this week, you can put a sweater on a pig, but he is still a pig. Now if a member of the Tory party said this, it would be front page news for weeks, but because he is a liberal, the liberal media refuses to report it!.
Read my new blog post, thanks Wilson, you got me looking, and then Joanne posted the links while I was getting the video posted to Youtube.
Once again it's everyday commentor's who are driving the blogs.
Mary Hines, I agree, the bias is unbelievable. It appears that Robert Fife could not ignore what he was hearing and knows a good story when he hears one.
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