They feed off each other like sharks smelling blood. The problem is that they are just copying each other, they all release the same "Canadian Press" story and pretend that they are being original. Look at this story, they change the headline, but that's it, and they get paid for this??
Harper attends his high-school reunion in Toronto
The Canadian PressPM jokes at high-school reunion, 'Guess you're not wondering what happened to me'
PM jokes at high-school reunion
By Alexander Panetta, THE CANADIAN PRESS
Harper says good education helped him rise to 'most powerful office'
Andrew Mayeda, Canwest News Service
Published: Saturday, September 27, 2008
PM jokes at high-school reunion, 'Guess you're not wondering what happened to me' Print E-mail
Written by Alexander Panetta, THE CANADIAN PRESS
Saturday, 27 September 2008
I could go on, but all the stories are the same, nothing original, they take the Canadian Press article and replicate it throughout the news world. No originality, no real journalism, no hunt for quotes from people who attended. Oh, except the one heckler who was two years older than Harper. Hey buddy, if you were at the reunion it must mean that you were held back two grades because of stupidity, but heckle on.
The MSM gets one story, and repeats it. So what are the actual journalists getting paid for? Hey I should get paid because I just repeated the story 5 times, so I should get paid 5 times for posting the story.
The MSM, they do nothing and still get paid, typical lefties.
UPDATE: So I google the author, Alexander Panetta, and what do I find?? This very interesting post from SDA's. They really do eat their own.
The MSM in this country are lazy.
They don't bother checking a story out for the truth and the facts before reporting. And it seems like all they report on is gossip.
The gossip mongering I've noticed is especially bad this election campaign about all parties but they seem to take special aim at the CPC. Like for example CTV tried to bring up Max Bernier and Julie Coulliard again the other day. What's wrong with them? Canadians don't care about that. They care about their jobs and investments and how each party stands on the economy and how they would take of it.
They don't really talk about the real issues and the various policies and platforms of the parties.
MSM, please do your job!
frmgrl..the media IS trying to do their jobs..and that is to be partisan hacks for the Liberals..bought and paid for clowns with their own best interests at must pain some of these life long shills that they will never be in line for a senate seat or Governor's generalship with PM Harper in power.
Speaking of Julie Couillard, what is with the "businesswoman" title? What she did after Bernier broke up with her is a disgrace. Discretion seems to NOT be her strong point. As for the publisher of her "book" - what the heck is that? She is noteworthy only because she dated a high-profile political figure. What has she done, on her own, to merit the so-called fame? I think that her 15 minutes have long since passed.
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