The comments are very interesting.
If Oprah's intention was to prevent the show from being used as a platform showcase, I wonder what the reasoning is of having Obama as a guest of the show twice. Maybe if it was Hilary, or if Palin was a democrat, Oprah would make an exception for her like she did for Obama.
This is the problem Oprah faces, she has used her show to openly support Obama, she has become political. She has somehow forgotten that her money and position came from ALL people, not just Democrats. Women has been her biggest viewers, both Democrats and Republicans. She is showing she is not fair and balanced. She is not a movie star who can live off of the next movie, she is a talk show host who can be hurt badly by Republican women tuning her out.
It's apparently more important to her to break the race barrier than to break the "glass ceiling" that is always talked about.
Oprah is typical of the liberal female left....they are only open minded if you agree with them. Oprah cannot have Palin on.....an on air interview would give Sarah Palin a forum to be heard. All the left wants to do now is silence Palin. So much for free speech.
Oprah has a large group of women who watch her show, and she supports Obama. So in a way she's using her show to promote for him. Having Palin on the show, I think would scare her, as to losing a lot of women supporters of Obama.
Just a few examples from the comments. It's not looking good for Oprah. It's a shame because I respected her for how far she had come from the background she grew up in. Now, her fame has gone to her head. Entertainment celebrities should stay out of politics.
In all fairness, and believe me, I don't like what Oprah has done and that her ego is so big she thinks her political view is so important - she had Obama on twice, before any campaigning started - about his books. She also had Hillary on with her mother on a mother's day special and about Hillary's book.
She has not had one politician on since people announced their candidacy - from either side.
"...it's (not) easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform - not even in the state senate." S.P.
I am waiting for Sarah to be asked about this snub and replying, who is Oprah, I never watch her as I have been busy running a small town, a state and raising a family.
She lost thousands of viewers when she come out for Obama. Watch for someone to bring up the scandal re her girls school in Africa.
Oprah has attended and sponsored fundraiser for the zero.
Interesting comments at Hillorys site, lots of support for Sarah.
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