Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin Gets Hacked!

This just shows the stupidity of the lefties. Illegally hack the e-mail account of Governor Sarah Palin. Dummies.

The cryptic Internet posse known for its attacks on Scientology may have found a new target in Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Several self-proclaimed members of Anonymous, a loosely organized group commonly associated with the message board 4Chan, apparently breached the Alaska Governor's personal Yahoo! account ( late Tuesday night.

What was gained? Nothing, except showing how scared the lefties are of Sarah Palin. Hey, Anon-y-mouses, do you hear that knock on your door?

Update: Palin E-Mail Hacking Brings Campaign to a New Low


KURSK said...

watch out trooothers !!!.those black helicopters are coming for ya..!!!..

Haaahhaaa..what morons they are..

Beatitude Sputnik said...

Insulting a notorious massive unorganized hacker group on the internet? That seems like a smart idea. I'm sure that there won't be any consequences.

Lore_Weaver said...

What a moron Sarah Palin is for thinking a "yahoo" account is a good place for information related to work.

How pretentious is this, sarah_gov@yahoo ... She wouldn't be the govenator for ever.

Red Tory said...

Why do you automatically assume the hackers in question were "lefties"?

Such people usually trend more to the anarchist or libertarian end of the spectrum.

Ti-Guy said...

Apologise for this sinful defamation at once!

No seriously, get your facts straight, dear. RedTory is correct that such people tend to be anarchists and libertarians, practically the sworn enemies of true leftists and who mostly find a political home among Canada's Harper Conservatives.

Know thine enemy, hon.

Cameron Campbell said...
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hunter said...

My one rule, no swearing, and you obviously are too dumb to understand it.

I don't care who these guys are, hacking is illegal.

Hey lefties, why does it bother you so much to be called lefties?

Ti-Guy said...

I don't care who these guys are, hacking is illegal.

Ok, then we'll change that first line of your post:

"This just shows the stupidity of the Conservatives. Illegally hack the e-mail account of Governor Sarah Palin. Dummies."

There. Now everyone's happy.

Beatitude Sputnik said...

Using personal email for state business is illegal. Destroying evidence in an ongoing investigation is also illegal. I am a leftie, and I don't mind being called a leftie. Seeing you call Anonymous leftie annoys me because it's just not correct. Not that I expect a conservative to stop saying a thing simply because it has no relation whatsoever to the truth. And the truth is that Anonymous is not motivated by politics, they are motivated by lulz.

hunter said...

Hey, I love you lefties, you make politics fun, but could you stop linking to my site, because honestly, my hit ratio takes a big dive every time you do.

Now, go on back to your boring lefty sites where you have a greener, richer carbon tax world to look forward to, and you sing around the campfire, oops, solar powered light, about your bike while eating corn cobs, because the actual corn has been used for bio-fuel.

Next question, why do lefties feel compelled to swear all the time? Is it a lack of intelligence, or just to hide the fact that they have no point to make in a debate?

Beatitude Sputnik said...

Well I can see that only one comment has been deleted so apparently we don't swear "all the time", and if you really don't want anyone linking to your blog, the simplest thing to do is to not post idiotic statements deserving of mockery, as difficult as that may be.

hunter said...

Hey Sputnik, do you ever have any facts to back up your statements or do you just "mock" people that your God "Canadian Cynic" tells you to?

What a follower you are, bet you think Dion/Layton is/are a good leader. Grab a brain and start thinking for yourself, it might hurt to learn that facts matter, but I'm sure you can adjust.

Now, I could care less what Cynic thinks, but I see it's linked to me, why I have no idea, and I really don't care, but the simplest thing for you and all your lefty friends to do, is not link to me and stop reading my blog...but you can't help yourself can you, as difficult as it might be, you still click on my site? HA!

sinned34 said...

Darn rights the left is afraid of Palin. Just like the right is afraid of Obama. Why do you think they keep spreading lies about each other?

Beatitude Sputnik said...

Personally, I think that Canadian Cynic is a jerk, but he is a useful resource. I don't like Stephane Dion or the Liberal party and I'm voting for the NDP as a strategic move while holding my nose because my only real concern is getting Harper out of the PM's seat. Once (and if) Canada comes to it's senses and puts the conservative movement out to pasture (again) I'm actually currently drafting the platform for my own party, the SciHed (Scientific Hedonist) party, who's platform is, essentially, decentralization of governmental authority, a flat tax, legalization of marijuana, gun safety education, concealed carry laws, legalized gambling, prostitution, government support of shifting Canadian industry from selling raw resources to manufacturing and high tech research, increasing funding for biotech and nanotech research and massive investment into national defense, including a plan for mandatory military service. Additionally the platform will call for Canada to sever any remaining legal ties to Britain, and for us to have a real constitution where our freedoms are actually legally guaranteed instead of being dependent upon the whims of government. Just like every other hippy liberal, no doubt, yes?

Scruffy Dan said...

An elected official using a yahoo email address for official business. Yikes! Please promise to keep her away from the big red button.

hunter said...

Scruffy....there is no big red button, go back to sleep now.

Cameron Campbell said...

Right: lying is fine, swearing bad.

4chan are a bunch of people who do things with computers for fun. (for the lulz as they say)

They have no ideology. No creed. They are currently playing with scientology.

Why does it bother us that you've identified them as lefties?

Because it's a lie.

You are lying.

Oh, and it's your house, and I missed the rule in the boilerplate text. My bad. Pardon.

I'll just stick to lying from now on, what with that being the house special and all.

Red Tory said...

You're profoundly daft, not to mention incredibly rude. It's clearly a waste of time for anyone to comment here unless they concur with your ridiculous opinions.

For your information it's YOUR Dear Leader that's throwing $1.5 billion at the corn-based biofuel industry — something that most "lefties" adamantly disagree with.

Get a clue. Did I mention that you're daft?

plaid shirt said...

Since when did ol'Red and Campbell have a falling out? ol'Red, as ridiculous and daft as Campbell may be, he is human with feelings...maybe an apology?

Cameron Campbell said...

Oh Ho Ho! Did everyone see what plaid shirt just did..

how droll...

how very amusing.

hunter said...

Yikes from the tone of these lefties, all is not right in paradise! (HA) Funny I'm so daft that you just have to keep clicking on my site.

If I am giving you heartburn, too bad. Go curl up with shifty Dion, I'm more man than he is!

Cameron Campbell said...

so you're ok with being a liar?


Dr.Dawg said...

I love you lefties, you make politics fun, but could you stop linking to my site, because honestly, my hit ratio takes a big dive every time you do.


moose said...

uhh Dawg, I think you meant to say "duh?"

Ti-Guy said...

"I'm more man than he is!"

That I don't doubt at all. But just watch that it doesn't fall off at an inopportune moment, bud.

Dr.Dawg said...

If Hunter is talking about traffic, that comment simply makes no sense. But if "hit ratio" means something else, I'd be interested in knowing what it is.

bloodhound said...

Whoa! the dawg is hunting Hunter and I thought the ol'cur was retired to the porch... where is the cayenne pepper?...breathe deeply dawg...that's it...a great big snoot-full...gazuenheidt!

hunter said...

Are you guys tired of talking to yourselves yet? I see nothing intelligent to respond to, but I do thank you for following my no swearing rule.

Now, I have door knocking to do for my MP, maybe you should be out helping your candidates too.

Oh, by the way Ti-Guy, I'm not a bud (hint, read my bio), and I still have more balls than Dion ever will! HA.

Ti-Guy said...

*sigh* She (?) ruined teh funny.

Scruffy Dan said...

"I see nothing intelligent to respond to"

How about responding the fact that there is no evidence that the hacker was a lefty. IS that to much to ask?

hunter said...

Funny how cynic gets all you "guys" or should I call you metro-sexual's, (bet Ti-Guy carries a purse) like robots to post comments about nothing.

Interesting that cynic targets females more often than males. You never seem to attack Conservative males, cause you know your balls are going to be in a vise.

Well boys, Conservative women are not wimpy like Dion. We do not buy into the weak female profile that feminists want us to believe in, we are smarter than that, too bad they aren't.

Conservative women raise our kids to understand that females are to be respected, not because they are the weaker sex, like feminists would like you to believe, but because we are strong in our own right, and we do not need wimpy baby killers telling us anything about being a female.

Scruffy Dan said...

And I thought this was a post about an insecure email system not sexuality.

hunter said...

Hey scruffy, you "guys" changed the channel, so I did too! The last actual comment about my post was way back on Thursday.

Scruffy Dan said...

I asked you to comment on a specific aspect of your post... but instead you decided to insult me (and others). Does that constitute me changing the channel?

So I'll ask you again Who do you automatically assume that the 'hacker' was a lefty when the fact is that there is no evidence to support that.

The fact that you disagree with the hacker doesn't make him a lefty.

hunter said...

Oh, scruffy is a perfect example of a lefty that hates being associated with a lefty. Except it is a lefty, they just can't handle the facts.

Okay scruffy, the group might not be a lefty group, but if they are attacking Palin, they are not republicans, did Obama get hacked??? Nope. So that leaves us with democrats or lefties. Or lefties who hate being called lefties. You pick...oh I forgot you can't make a decision without asking what cynic thinks. See my blog about weirdo's while door knocking....was that you scruffy???

CC said...

Now, now, kids ... let's not tease Hunter for her inability to engage in intellectual discourse. We've seen her try that before, and it always ends badly.

CC said...

By the way, before anyone observes the obvious -- that Hunter eventually copped to the hoax and that she was full of s**t the whole time -- note well that she initially published her post based on nothing more than an unsubstantiated rumour, and that she only retracted after being taken out to a dark parking garage and clubbed repeatedly with actual logic and evidence.

When someone has to work that hard to correct your inanities, you don't get any credit for finally getting a clue.

Scruffy Dan said...

Hunter, just because they are not republicans doesn't mean they are lefties.

Dr.Dawg said...

Geeze, I just asked a question.

Whoops. I guess that was swearing, sort of.

disseminator said...

Cesspool boy(my favorite Dice Clay blogger)comes up for air and spits out a mouthful..."intellectual discourse, logic and evidence"...and then continues to lecture..."you don't get any credit for finally getting a clue"...yes sir! thank you Mr. Cesspool! thank God(although you don't go there)for fighting the good fight otherwise those conservative(or in your words dumb c**ts or dumb f**ks or dumbf**kitudes or dumbc**titudes or any combination thereof plus all and any remaining intellectual discourse left in your noggin)bloggers would be running amok and da man Mr. Cesspool!...da man!...hey look Mr. Cesspool, it's a jooo!...go get 'em tiger.

CC said...

Quite right, Dr. Dawg ... don't be bringing that civil discourse and polite interrogation and appropriate questioning in here.

Geez, Dawg, what were you thinking? Silly bunt.

cesspool makeover said...

Right then, it is pointless(nobody likes a phony) attempting to be civil and intelligent during your interrogation Herr Cesspool you were then...oh Dawggy, can you hop back on the boy's leg and hump it a would appear the boy needs some reassurance...there's good Dawg.

Dr.Dawg said...

oh Dawggy, can you hop back on the boy's leg and hump it a bit

Darn, I guess I'll just never reach the heights of civil discourse that Hunter insists upon.

Ti-Guy said...

(bet Ti-Guy carries a purse)

Wow, you're going full-metal "family values" with accusations of faggotry, aren't you?

I'll have you know I knocked up my girlfriend when she was 17 and I can drive a skidoo blind drunk.

So worship me, woman. I'm am a God to you in the image of the Great Palin herself.

liberal supporter said...

I think you have your answer as to why people keep coming here, Hunter.

You're just so easy to mock and get a self righteous smirk out of. Seeing ti-guy so effortlessly get your bigotry back out on full display is comedy gold.

However, credit where credit is due, you did get CC to actually comment here. Congratulations!

Even "neo" can't manage that. (neo is some guy who CC mocks relentlessly, unfortunately for your "cc goes after female bloggers" claim)

Meanwhile, you have been remiss in not welcoming all the new people who just started blogs this month. I see plaid shirt, moose, bloodhound, disseminator, and cesspool makeover! Anyone you happen to know? Anyone missing some socks?

clothes dryer said...

Awww, c'mon dawg, nobody likes a quitter, maybe hop up on a stool if you need more know Lib Supp. when I spotted the Cesspool boy and the intellectual discourse he brought over here, I said to myself..."self, wow!"...and remember Lib. Supp., I'm saying this with all the respect and reverence that Cesspool boy deserves..."self, wow!, how lucky is Hunter to have the Cesspool boy make an appearance on her site"...honest to God, that's what I said and I too concur..."congrats Hunter, you've been blessed with the Cesspool Boy, truly a milestone."

say Hunter, you own a pressure washer?...maybe check your supply of disinfectant, Spray 9 apparently works wonders.

Ti-Guy said...

Yeah, we get it. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

You don't need to write a dissertation, CD (ie. Neocon).

liberal supporter said...

Hmmm, socks go missing (presumably to create five sock puppets) and who should comment next, but the "clothes dryer" which of course is where socks are usually lost....

But this thread seems to be slowing down. We need some more fatuous blubbering hilarity from hunter.

Carrie said...

We do not buy into the weak female profile that feminists want us to believe in, we are smarter than that, too bad they aren't.

Careful careful. Soon you'll have the entire readership of Jezebel on your case.

Actually, that might not be a bad idea.

hunter said...

Wow how fortunate I am to have this post infested with lefties. OH!!! And joy of joy, your GOD CC posted, right here....I am gobsmacked!!!

But, I see you are all busy playing with yourselves, so carry on, I will check back in a week or so to make sure you haven't broken my one rule.

Ti-Guy said...

We can't leave. We've developed Stockholm syndrome.

By the way, you broke you own rule when you used the word "balls."

JJ said...
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Unknown said...

You meant the same Sarah Palin who is currently tanking in the polls as the American people learn more about her? That's who we're supposedly afraid of???

Quite the contrary! As a Democrat, I wish the Republicans would trot her out more, as I can't think of a more effective way of ensuring an Obama Presidency than to have the spotlight shining on Palin as much as possible.

In fact, the only people who seem to be scared of Palin are Republicans themselves, and especially the McCain campaign team, who apparently are so terrified of whatever might come out of her mouth that they've decided the best course of action is to keep her muzzled as long as possible.

So c'mon Republicans, let Palin speak off the cuff as much as she wants! Let her hold a press conference and answer unscripted questions! Hell, just let her talk as much as she can between now and November!

KEvron said...

"as the American people learn more about her"

so little is known about this woman, the hackers were probably mccain's own staff.


CC said...

Ken writes:

"So c'mon Republicans, let Palin speak off the cuff as much as she wants! Let her hold a press conference and answer unscripted questions! Hell, just let her talk as much as she can between now and November!"

Apparently, Ken is not the only one who wants to see Sarah Palin unleashed. Ain't gonna happen, though, as her handlers know exactly what kind of plain bat guano craziness would come spewing forth.

Afraid of her? Get serious, Hunter. As Ken correctly points out, Democrats everywhere are pleading for more Sarah. Unfortunately for comedians everywhere, she's just too much of a deranged dingbat to let off her leash.


CC said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, Hunter ... the fear is palpable.

Degree of difficulty: 0.

Check back in a couple of hours when Hunter substitutes childish, vacuous, leftie-bashing invective for an actual rebuttal. You know it's coming. Yes, you do.

CC said...

Yeah, I'm bored.