Saturday, November 07, 2009

Goodbye America The Strong.

Sadly America has lost it's way and is now lost. It's not just about the health bill that has been passed, although it is going to be a huge problem for Americans. I am very sad about what is happening to the great nation next door to us.

House Passes Health Care Bill

BREAKING NEWS - In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation Saturday night to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. Republican opposition was nearly unanimous.

One Republican voted for the bill. All I can say is welcome to a socialist medical program like Canada. Get ready to wait in long lineups for any procedure and to pay for everyone with a sniffle. You will pay, they will not.

Health care is only one aspect of the decline of America, the other is how the murderer, Major Nidal Hasan has been portrayed in the media. They just can't seem to say TERRORIST. Let me help them, the guy is a TERRORIST! How else to you describe 13 dead and over 30 injured? Or will MURDERER make everyone feel better?

Look, the guy emptied out his apartment, bought some guns, and jumped on a table to better shoot his victims in the back, what do you want to call him? Lefties will probably call him a "freedom fighter", after all he was scheduled to go over to Iraq and he didn't agree with either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. Poor baby, maybe he should have headed to Canada where our lefties would have welcomed him with open arms as a "draft dodger"...oops they don't have the draft anymore. Welcome him as a refugee I guess, seeing as America is such a bad place to live that everyone wants to live there.

The guy is nuts. I had one date with a budding psychologist during my university days, he was also nuts. He kept phoning me and telling me I was nuts not to go out with him again. I swear they go into psychology to help cure themselves.

Political correctness is killing democracy. You can not say anything against a minority group without being slammed about being racist. If I was to say that the 70+ Tamils who arrived on a boat should just be sent back, I'm going to be labeled as a racist. How about stating that Islam treats women like slaves? That might get you slapped down by your MP. It's not very politically correct to slam any minority about anything they might do, and that gives them more power than the average Canadian. They are busy abusing that power, remember Levant's problems with a minority person? Why should that person have more power than a Canadian, just because they are a minority?

I am sick and tired of supporting illegal immigrants who think that Canada is meant to be milked for all we have. I am tired of being politically correct. Let me give you an example.

I foster dogs who might go to a blind person. Don't let this shock you, but all blind people are not necessarily nice. Some of them are quite abusive to the dogs. Just because you are blind does not mean that you are a good person. Just because you are are Muslim or Christian doesn't mean that you are a good person. Why can't we state that without being called racist? It is because of the lefty philosophy that minority votes win them power. They could care less if a person is white, black or purple as long as they vote for them. The way they get the votes is to encourage division. East/West, rural/urban, French/English, anything that might win them votes. Sad really.

America is in trouble, only Americans can fix it. I hope they get it right next election.


maryT said...

The can always pray the Senate has some sense and refuses to pass this.
Imagine, being sent to jail and fined for not buying health insurance. Even iffy hasn't come up with an idea like that, or Layton.
And I wonder how many of "them" are walking among us.

liberal supporter said...

Why do you hate America?

wilson said...

Spector points out 'how' Dems won the vote, until this ammendment was passed, they were losing:

''...Pelosi needed to corral at least 218 of 258 Democrats to push the bill across the finish line. That task appeared to grow easier after party leaders broke a weeks
-long impasse over abortion by agreeing to hold a vote on an amendment -- offered by antiabortion Democrats --
that would explicitly bar the public plan from` covering the procedure.
The amendment, approved 240 to 194, with 64 Democrats in favor, also would prohibit people who received insurance subsidies from purchasing private plans that covered abortion.

The deal cleared the way for dozens of antiabortion Democrats to back the package...''

Southern Quebec said...

It really is a sad day when people can get medical coverage. How about them Alouettes!

West Coast Teddi said...

Love the Als ... good thing tho that I don't subsidize them thru my taxes.

Gee wizzikers ... does this ObamaCare mean that the left will no longer criticize the American "style" health system when justifying the Canadian "hurry up and wait"? When I now say that Canada should have a system like the USA, I will not be vilified?

MariaS said...

You are right on, Hunter. The leftists' most favorite word is "racist". The idiots will fall down dead if the word is removed from the dictionary as they will never be able to debate the most simplistic of subjects without using the word.

MariaS (dodocanspell)