Nice, 64% vote for PM Harper. Make sure you add your vote.
I answered a phone survey today, from Harris/Decima. It started off about food outlets and organic produce, then asked about genetically engineered food, went from there to global warming and what Canada should do, support a binding agreement or not. One question was asked about who you would vote for, and then they got back to Copenhagen and whether you agreed with environmentalists. It was about 10 minutes long, and the interviewer chuckled a few times at my answers (she must have been a Conservative) and she thanked me for a very interesting interview. HA
So someone is doing some polling about Copenhagen before it starts. Not sure how the food outlets got in there but I suspect they are doing one call for more than one client.
That brings me to climategate. Ignore all you want Lame Stream Media, but the truth is now out there, and it has blown up in the faces of all econuts. Funny, they have gone from global cooling, to global warming, to climate change, to CO2 pollution. That's the new buzz word, CO2 pollution. I suspect that when the public doesn't buy CO2 as a pollutant, the greenies will just change it to ...pollution, and we will have come full circle. Problem is, no-one is going to believe anything environmentalists say from now on, they are done. They are now junk scientists, by their own hands.
The silent majority is listening and learning. The greens get maybe 8% of the vote here in Canada, yet the politicians in all countries are pushing this climate fraud on us, because it's all about money, not the environment. It's about power, and a new world government. Europe has moved one step closer to it, and if the power brokers can get a binding agreement in Copenhagen, that's another step towards more power for the UN. Think about who makes up the majority in the UN, it's not the wealthy Christian countries. Which poses the question, why are Democratic countries responsible for all the failed third world countries? Today, the Commonwealth nations agreed to a $10 BILLION a year slush fund for those nations at risk from global warming, what a scam! It reminds me of the First Nations in Canada who get $10 billion a year and somehow manage to remain poor. Or like our "have not" provinces, like Quebec, can somehow afford a $7 a day daycare, while "have" provinces send them billions.
The breaking point is coming, the silent majority is about to wake up. Middle class people who go to work everyday, and raise their children to be successful and responsible members of society are getting sick of the socialists stealing from us to enrich themselves. It's time to circle the wagons. No more Robin Hood.
Total Votes for this Question: 2698 Harper 65%
holding steady.
The quotes in Goldstein's
'Botch after botch after botch'
article, imo , are the smoking gun.
In or out of context, they say FRAUD
Just checked the poll, 3:21 Alberta time, PM holding at 65% and libs down to 17%.
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