Remember the 60's? That was the age of flower children and drugs and freedom from the bra. Feminists had a goal and they achieved it. Abortions. Equality. Getting out of the kitchen. They had a purpose. I might disagree with the abortion position, but they did a lot to advance the cause of females, for that I applaud them.
Where are they now? Or, I should say, what are they now? What is a feminist these days? They have achieved all their goals, but they are so addicted to their cause they refuse to acknowledge they have become irrelevant.
One of the most harmful things that feminists have achieved is abortion. What Mother cuts her baby into pieces, legally? Do they feel better because it is legal? I don't think so. Maybe in the 60's when it was taboo to be pregnant out of wedlock, it was an issue, especially before birth control. Today, we even have the morning after pill, so why does any woman have to have an abortion? It should be a non-issue in this day and age. Feminists are lazy, they can't even get off their butts in the morning to take the morning after pill.
Feminists need to get out of the 60's. Our bodies, our choice? How about you engage your brains and stop having unprotected sex.
Another thing the 60's feminists brought us was divorce. Don't like the guy you married anymore because he leaves the toilet seat up, divorce him. It's about me, and my feelings. The pioneers stayed married, raised families and thrived. Our society right now is sick. We have more fatherless homes by the day. Our children need both parents, they need stability, they need both Mom and Dad. Our courts refuse to acknowledge that fact because feminists have convinced them that children only need Mom, and that Dad is only the wallet. That is discrimination against Dad.
Barbara Kay: Sticking it out in marriage is a good thing
Why did the numbers start going down? One reason, which the study notes, is the tendency for people to marry later. But I would also tie both the divorce peak and its diminution to the rise and decline of militant feminism’s influence. Seventy percent of divorces are initiated by women. Feminism of the man-dismissive type was a strong influence in the ‘70s and ‘80s. In the 90s, however, third-wave feminism relegated the man-haters to the fringes of the movement, and marriage regained respectability as an institution. I predict the numbers will go further down when Canada finally institutes equal parenting as the default custodial policy, as it has in jurisdictions where that is presently the case.
If you get married because the sex is good, you are an idiot. Marriage is about a long term commitment, especially when kids are involved. Don't like the way the guy squeezes the toothpaste tube? How shallow can you be? This trend is only going to get worse, because generation X is all about me, not us.
You think that's bad, look at my generation, generation Y.
Divorce can be extremely traumatic to families, especially children. Living With Mom, Spending Time With Dad takes us through a myriad of emotions that two children, Stephen and Alex, experience through this tumultuous period. Young Alex especially gives an extremely candid and honest account of the day-to-day trauma, the hostility and at times the many poignant memories that he has. Living with Mom, Spending Time with Dad also addresses the concerns and anguish of being torn between two parents. Throughout the story there is that underlying hope that everything will turn out alright and everyone will be back in their original comfort zone.
Pimping yer book Rob?
So is it your position that women are to fault for divorces?
Have you considered that men also have something to do with it?
Have you ever known of anyone who got divorced because of the toilet seat or the toothpaste?
Jen sent you an email Hunter!
Hunter - Most of what you said about feminists is true. However, divorces these days is more because of the guys than gals.
About abortion, yes you are right. There are all sort of methods now to prevent pregnacies and anyone neglecting to use these methods is worthy of our scorn and criticism.
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