Friday, July 04, 2008

Alberta Bashing By You Guessed It, Garth!

Direct from Garth's latest blog:

As for Dion, he will move from Calgary to Edmonton, where he’s to have an open, Town Hall meeting on his climate change plan. You might not agree with everything the man says, but you have to admire this about him. He stood up once to the self-aggrandizing, hostile, me-first, greedy, macho, selfish and balkanizing separatist losers in Quebec. I guess he can do it again in Alberta.

Not that there are any similarities.

Well, if that won't further divide the west from the east, I don't know what will. Dave Rutherford went ballistic today about Garth's posting. I suspect Dion is not going to get a very warm welcome at the Calgary Stampede. You can listen to that Rutherford show here, just click Friday, July 4, time 11:00 and scan through until you hear Rutherford. It's truely worth it to go listen. Thanks for the tip, Jen!!

This self-aggrandizing, hostile, me-first, greedy, macho??, selfish, balkanizing, loser has to get back to work so that we Albertan's can keep the east in the style they love soooo much. Nice work Liberals, play the west off against the east again, but remember, this time it's not just Alberta you will be sticking it to, it's Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, Manitoba (yes Manitoba has oil), BC and Nova Scotia. Of course, that's not where the votes are so you don't care do you?


Anonymous said...

The old scammer himself Garth, is on Adler right now lying to us all!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking around this blog, I think Garth's comments were tailor made for you. You do not represent the mainstream people in Alberta, and Garth was not referring to them. He was referring to you.

You are self-aggrandizing
You are often hostile
You are usually me-first
You do seem greedy
You are so macho some readers thought you are a male!
You are selfish
Your separatist views are balkanizing
You have put out separatist views

But you are not a loser, you just act like one.

Anonymous said...

As usual! a caller asked Garth which one carries more C02 into the atsmosphere: OIL SANDS or Coal plants in Ontario? Garth, said the Oil SANDS which in fact is not true.
Proud of David for defending ALBERTA.

maryT said...

This blog does reflect the views of mainstream Albertans. Those who doubt that do so at their peril.

hunter said...

Actually Garth is describing the Liberal Party of Canada.

hunter said...

While Liberals are bashing Alberta, our Prime Minister is in Mayerthorpe giving an excellent speech to the families of the 4 fallen Mounties. That is all the contrast you need to know who deserves to run this great country.

Anonymous said...

This blog does reflect the views of mainstream Albertans.

Those who doubt that do so at their peril.

Anonymous said...

True-dough kicked me in the teeth and gave me the finger, but I rose up and worked harder than ever for MY country and survived. My country is better off now then during the NEP BECAUSE we Westerners sucked it up and went back to work rebuilding our homes, our lives and our businesses.

Dion can talk all he wants but WE will NEVER let Canada down. We shall remain strong and free and ALL CANADIANS will Benefit.

I will always vote Conservative, I will work harder than the Liberals, I'm Mad as Hell that a Liberal wants to take MY country away from me AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

It was great to watch PMSH pay tribute to our fallen Mounties.
The country is more united than it has been for a long, long while. Now the Liberals want to spoil that and cause division again by using their so called Green Shaft plan.

Bashing Alberta has worked in the past for them so they are trying it again.
It's just a ploy in my mind to try to buy votes in Central Canada.
I hope and pray that Canadians will see through it. We[Alberta and Saskatchewan} are the economic drivers in this country right now and the rest of Canada benefits from it.
Punish the "Dirty Oil Sands" and the rest of the country will suffer.
Who are the ones who are "mean spirited and trying to be bullies?"
Hmmm..... I wonder!

Anonymous said...

Alberta emits about 110 million tonnes vs. Ontario's 77 million tonnes. Ontario Power Generation emits about 25 million tonnes while Syncrude and Suncor together are about 20 million tonnes.

Oilsands are the fastest growing CO2 source.

Anonymous said...

I will always vote Conservative,
Too bad.

I will work harder than the Liberals,
Go for it.

I'm Mad as Hell that a Liberal wants to take MY country away from me AGAIN.
Then you are mad about nothing. Nobody wants to take anything away.

Anonymous said...

It was great to watch PMSH pay tribute to our fallen Mounties.

The country is more united than it has been for a long, long while.
Seems about the same to me.

Now the Liberals want to spoil that and cause division again by using their so called Green Shaft plan.
You are projecting.

Bashing Alberta has worked in the past for them so they are trying it again.
Nobody is bashing Alberta. Garth is bashing the radical right wing minority there though.

It's just a ploy in my mind to try to buy votes in Central Canada.
Steve is the one trying to buy votes in Central Canada.

I hope and pray that Canadians will see through it.
We do. We see Steve trying to buy votes here.

We[Alberta and Saskatchewan} are the economic drivers in this country right now and the rest of Canada benefits from it.
Yes, you are coming on strong these days.

Punish the "Dirty Oil Sands" and the rest of the country will suffer.
You should really do something about that persecution and punishment complex.

Who are the ones who are "mean spirited and trying to be bullies?"
Hmmm..... I wonder!

I don't wonder at all. I know Harper is the mean spirited bully. And it is not a strength. It just prevents most people from ever trusting him.

Grumpy Old Man said...

Hey, Anonymous, here's a heads up for you. If Dion and his merry band of fools win the next election I'm moving to Alberta. And once I get there I'll start agitating for the west to separate from Canada. You're probably saying "good riddance to the old fool", but I want you to consider just one little thing. My tax dollars go with me. Last year I paid a bit more than $20G to Ontario alone in personal taxes. That's not including the health care tax either...
So there I'll be, working and making money, with not a dime going to Ontario's poor and needy Lieberals. A pox on them!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 2:56 Who wants to take my hard earned dollars like YOU did when you took my house and job and livelihood DIRECTLY as a result of the NEP. You will not do that again.

I will worker harder (go for it) and You will be better off because of a Conservative Majority Government - BUT it will cost you your sanity as you are cut off your welfare and forced to sit in your moldy basement with the Liberal Mushrooms


jad said...

Check out what La Presse has to say about Garth.

For those who don't read French, here is a rough precis:

Garth calls separatists, "losers", pretentious, ego-centric, balkanizing, etc. and salutes the courage of his leader in dealing with the separatists. (Note: I don't actually think that goes down too well with federalists either). However, after talking to his leader, Garth recognizes that he went too far and has promised to "clarify" his blog before the weekend.

Mario Dumont describes himself as "staggered" by Garth's comments, which he finds shocking and insulting.

Jack Layton's view is that you can disagree with separatists, but this kind of contempt has no place in politics. After Adscam, the LPC should show Quebec more respect.

Pierre Paquette points out that if a Bloc member had said half of what Turner said, there would be a huge fuss.

And according to Pauline Marois, there is no need for her to comment, as Garth's words speak for themselves.

Quite an impressive performance by M. Dion's senior communications advisor, n'est-ce pas ?

UPDATE: Garth apologizes. No of course he doesn't.

hunter said...

Thank you Jad for the link and the translation. The Globe also has an article, but won't allow comments, the chickens!

I've got to find him on Adler. Anyone know how to put just audio on a blog?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

I miss something here?

Mr. Turner, 59, was a Conservative when he was first elected to the Commons in 1988. He served briefly as revenue minister and ran unsuccessfully for the Tory leadership in 1993 and lost in the general election that year.

He was re-elected as a Liberal in 2006.

When did that happen?

maryT said...

Garth is always talking about his leader. Reminds me of that song The Purple People Eater, and his request, take me to your leader. Is Garth the PPE.

Platty said...

You didn't miss anything Jo, but apparently they did, once again.....

maryT said...

If Craig and others refer to the liberals as the govt, why can't others re-write history also. Another example of the media not knowing what they are talking about. I bet this guy thinks garth voted liberal in the last election. I hope someone saved a screen shot of that rant.
Anyone see Dion in Albeta today.

hunter said...

MaryT, they have him at a calf tieing competition at the Stampede, and he's the calf! YeeHaw!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

You didn't miss anything Jo, but apparently they did, once again.....

Thanks, Platty. I was getting worried there, because you know how MSM is so reliable and all..

maryT said...

Hunter, sure glad I put my coffee down before I read that, and a HEE HAW back to you.
In all honesty, he will be so out of place at any site at the stampede. Wonder if he will get a white hat.

Anonymous said...

Looong time ago at the prairie rodeoes there used to be a contest for kids. It was called mutton bustin'. A young kid would hang on the back of a sheep as long as he/she could and the longest ride was the winner.

I think Stephane Dion would look good bustin' some mutton. Of course he might cry when he fell off but I would pay money to watch.

hunter said...

Will he eat that hot dog with a knife and fork?? If he does someone please get a picture of that, it will sink him faster than the tax shi(f)t.

How about pancakes at the Stampede breakfast, does he know that you curl them up around a sausage and eat them with your fingers? HA!

maryT said...

Like eating a banana sank Stanfield.

hunter said...

Joanne, you were right on, Stephen Taylor has caught that misprint (HA) as well. Good catch Joanne!

Anonymous said...

Garth and Stephane are joined at the joint ...